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Accident & Incident Reporting

Accurately record and store accident and incident reports inclusive of obtaining signatures from appropriate adults.

Abbie avatar
Written by Abbie
Updated over 6 months ago

Accident & Incident Reporting

  • Click More > Safeguarding > Accidents and Incidents

Filters for Accident and Incident Reporting

You can use the filters to streamline your accident and incident reporting. Filter by a specific date range, report type (accident or incident), supervisor, room, and injury type.


There are 4 different report statuses: Draft, Approved, Signatures Needed, and Approval Needed. Here's what each status means:

Draft: The report is incomplete and has not yet been finalised.

Approved: All required signatures have been collected, and the report has been approved by a Manager.

Signatures Needed: The report is complete but still requires one or more signatures.

Approval Needed: The report is finished and has been submitted to a Manager for approval.

Creating an Accident or Incident Report

To create an accident or incident report, begin by clicking "+ Create."

Next, select the child or children involved. Keep in mind, that selecting a single child will generate an Accident Report, while selecting multiple children will generate an Incident Report.

Steps to Create an Accident or Incident Report

  • Create > Add child(ren) > Input accident or incident details > Use the body map to mark the affected area, or choose to hide the body map > Attach media, if applicable > Enter treatment details > Update the date and time of accident or incident > Specify the location > Update the staff supervising > Click save and approve or send for approval.

If you're creating an incident report involving multiple children, ensure that you click on each child's form at the top of the page and fill out the incident details for each child individually.

Collection of Signatures

Let's collect the signatures. There are two options, collect signatures on paper or digitally.

Paper Signatures

If collecting signatures on paper, use the toggle to indicate when a staff member or parent has signed. At the bottom of the page, you have the option to upload a file containing the signatures.

Digital Signatures

To add a signature, click Add Signature next to each staff member or parent. They can sign directly on the tablet using their finger or a stylus.

Reports can be exported and printed as a PDF from the platform. If a report is amended on the platform, signatures must be re-obtained, as the changes will require acknowledgment.

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