Making an Observation
To make an observation on Blossom, follow these simple steps:
Blossomboard > Make Observation > Select child/children > Confirm selection.
Input General (Group) Observation Notes: These will be visible to parents for all children you have selected above. Individual observation notes can be added below.
Upload Files: Choose from the photo library or take a video/photo directly from your device.
Tagging children: Select the children featured in the videos/photos you have uploaded. This ensures that the media will be visible to parents of the tagged children.
📸Managing photo permissions: Children with restricted media permissions will have a photo icon next to their name, indicating whether they are allowed to be included in individual or group media. These permissions can be edited by following these steps: Children > select child > About > Media permissions (Edit).
Additional Observation Notes
Next to each child’s name, you have the option to add additional personalised observation notes. These will only be visible to the contacts of that child when you select ‘Share on parent app’.
Sharing Observations to the Parent App
When ‘Share on parent app’ is ticked, this will share the observation with parents only once the observation is approved.
Link to Framework & Set Next Steps
When you have successfully linked your observation to the chosen framework or curriculum and set the next steps, a tick will appear on the box once it has been saved.
Finally, you can save your observation as a Draft, or Review & Approve Observation.