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Diary Overview
Diary Overview

Update parents on meals, activities & more! The diary helps connect nurseries & parents.

Abbie avatar
Written by Abbie
Updated over a week ago

Diary overview

The diary page is the home where you log meals, snacks, nappies, sleeps, bottles and activities in your setting. When landing on the diary page, you will see these aforementioned categories at the top of the page, alongside three filters for the date, room & whether you want all children on the register signed in or only present children.

The diary is linked to the register. Now, you can now filter by 'children timed in for the day' and 'currently timed in children'.

Children timed in for the day: This means that all children on the register that have been signed out for the day will appear as well as the current children signed in for the day.

Currently timed in children: This means only current children that are timed in will show.

Now, let's break down each category.

Meals & Snacks

The box at the top of the meals section allows you to set a standard menu for your nursery. This is where you can log breakfast, lunch and tea (or AM/PM for snacks), as well as which items are on the menu. When you click the button to set the menu, it will apply these settings to all of the children currently signed into the nursery.

When the menu is applied, it then needs to be confirmed. Under each child, you can set the time of the meal, edit what they have eaten, select how much they have eaten and write custom comments if desired. Once you are happy with it, click the tick in the upper right-hand corner, or you can undo any actions with the undo button. Below each child’s profile, it displays their dietary preference or allergies.

Nappies, Sleeps & Bottles

The Nappies, Sleeps & Bottles sections all work in the same way. To create an entry, go to the category of your choice. From here you have two options. Scrolling down the page, you will find children who are listed as having nappies, sleeps or bottles. All you need to do is click the button to add an entry. Or, you can click the button which says ‘+ Add Child’ and follow the steps to create an entry. This is for children who do not usually have nappies, sleeps or bottles. In the pop-up, you first must make your selection of one or more children.

When you have your children selected, you can then fill out the fields to add detail to your entry. There is also the option to add custom comments under the entry before submitting the diary entry. See an example of this below:


Creating an activity works slightly differently from the other categories in the diary. On the overview of the page, you can see how many children have completed an activity that day as well as their photo permissions. To create an entry click on the ‘+ Activity’ button. Following the steps on the pop-up, firstly select the children for the activity. You can then set the activity name, time, comment, and attach photos.

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