The one-off bookings page displays all one-off items (extra sessions, extra items, one-off discounts, one-off funding) that have been booked for a child. Once a one-off booking is added, it will pull through automatically to the next invoice.
e.g. You schedule an extra session for 5th April, but you’ve already invoiced for April. When you run the May invoice, this April one-off extra session will pull through.
View & create all one-off bookings across the nursery:
Finance > One-off bookings
View & create one-off bookings in the child’s profile:
Children > select child > Booking pattern > One-off bookings (left side tab)
Create a one-off booking
Finance > One-off bookings > + Create > Select child > Input date > Select type > Select item* > Add booking.
📌Items pull through from your finance settings, so you must ensure you have set up the relevant item ahead of time. Please follow the steps below:
Extra sessions from your sessions list:
More > Settings > Sessions > + Create
Extra items from your items list:
More > Settings > Finance (left side tab) > Items > + Create
📌You can schedule a fee change in the future by clicking '+ Schedule Price Change'
One-off discounts from your discounts list:
More > Settings > Finance (left side tab) > Discounts > + Create > Fixed discount amount.
📌Percentage discounts (%) cannot be applied as a one-off discount. These must be added into the child’s regular booking pattern.
One-off funding from your funding list:
More > Settings > Finance (left side tab) > Funding > + Create > select ‘One-off Funding’ type.
📌This is where you can add EYPP Funding. Click here for further details on the funding setup.
🌸Can’t see a One-off bookings page? You might have an older version of our platform! Please follow this link to add extras if you are on the Finance 2 version of Blossom.