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Finance | Consumables

Wondering how to create consumables in Blossom? Follow our step-by-step instructions.

Abbie avatar
Written by Abbie
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Consumables in Finance

A consumable allows you to add a cost attached to a session. For example, you may have a full-day session (£100) but charge extra for a hot lunch (£3). In this scenario, the hot lunch would be added as a consumable.

Create a consumable:

  • More > Settings > Finance > Consumables > Create > Input consumable name > Select Consumable line item on invoice > Save.

What is the difference between the consumable line item on invoices and consumables in session fees?

Combine the consumable cost into the session fee: This means if your session cost is 60 pounds & you have a consumable of £5. The £5 would be combined into the session cost resulting in the session cost showing as £65.

Show consumable line items separately to session fee: This means your consumable will be displayed on a separate line with its specific cost.

Add the consumable to your session

Once you have created your consumable, you can add it to a session you have already created:

  • More > Settings > Basic set up > Sessions > Edit a session by clicking the pencil icon > + Add consumable > + Fees > Save.

Or create a new session with consumables:

  • More > Settings > Basic set up > Sessions > Create > Fixed Session Time > Input start & finish time > Add any consumables attached > Input fees > Save.

You have the option to include or not include the consumable when a new session is added to a child's booking pattern, as shown below:

📌If a consumable is added within an existing session that has already been assigned to a child, it will automatically apply the consumable to that child. You will need to edit the child's booking pattern if you do not want the consumable to apply.

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