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Debt reports

For greater insight into managing your setting's debt, Blossom has two debt reports to explore on your platform: Aged debt, and Bad debt.

Abbie avatar
Written by Abbie
Updated over 8 months ago

Debt Reports

Aged Debt Report

This report provides a detailed list of parents whose accounts are overdue and broken down over time periods.

Finance > Financial reports > Aged debt report > See time periods 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, 91-120 days & 120 days+

The aged debt report allows you to track any outstanding invoice amounts by the age of the debt. In the report this is split into 5 different categories. You can then click into the specific invoices to see the debt detail.

On the group platform, this report looks similar, but summarises the data as overall setting data. To view the nursery-level data, simply click on the site name.

Bad Debt Report

The bad debt report provides a detailed list of invoices that have been marked as bad debt.

Finance > Financial reports > Bad debt report > Filter by Date marked or Invoice date > Select the date range > Filter by room or by specific child.

On the group platform, this report looks similar, but summarises the data as overall setting data. To view the nursery-level data, simply click on the site name.

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