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Group Revenue Report

The Blossom group revenue report provides an overview of the total revenue across your nursery sites.

Abbie avatar
Written by Abbie
Updated over a week ago

Group Revenue Report

The group revenue report provides an overview of the total revenue across your nursery sites. The revenue included is based on the invoices that have been raised.

  • Organisational View > Reports > Group Revenue Report

On this report, you are able to filter by invoice date or created date, the date range, and a specific site.

Group revenue report data

Once the report has been generated you will be able to view the following information listed below. Under each heading will be an amount that is pulled through from the invoices raised within the selected date range.

  • Nursery site name

  • Sessions

  • Consumables

  • Extra Items

  • Extra Sessions

  • Other (This pulls through from the ‘other’ selection on the ‘add line item’ on children’s invoices).

  • Funding Deficit

  • Funding deducted

  • Discounts

  • Fee income

  • Funding income

  • Total Income

  • Deposits

  • Deposit refunds

  • Unpaid amount

Top tip: You are able to click the nursery name and it will direct you to the detailed revenue report at the individual nursery level.

How do you export the group revenue report?

  • Organisational View > Reports > Group Revenue Report > Click the three dots > Export > An email will then appear in the selected staff members inbox.

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