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Group Annual Revenue Report

Blossom's group annual revenue report provides a 12-month overview of projected income as well as invoiced income for all sites combined.

Abbie avatar
Written by Abbie
Updated over 6 months ago

Group Annual Revenue Report

The group annual revenue report provides a 12-month overview of projected income as well as invoiced income for all sites combined.

  • Organisational View > Reports > Group Annual Revenue Report

Once the report has been generated you are able to filter by the specific year and you will see a line graph. On the line graph, you can hover over the black dots which present fee income, funding income & forecasted income.

Top tip: Once the invoices have been raised for the specific month only then the forecast will be split between fee income & funding income.

Below the line graph, there is a further breakdown that displays the following information.

  • Months

  • Line items within the invoices

  • Fee income

  • Funding income

  • Total revenue

Notes on the revenue report

On the report, prior to invoicing there will be black figures & once the invoices for the specific month have been raised there will be green figures visible.

Black Figures: Forecasted income.

Green Figures: Actual invoiced amount.

Remember: The reports are based on the invoice date. This means that if you are looking at your actual invoiced amount for March, the invoice date for the March invoices will need to be dated within March.

How do you export the annual revenue report?

  • Organisational View > Reports > Group annual revenue report > Click the three dots > Export > Select the manager or administrator > Export.

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