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Daily Child Register

A summary of everything to do with the Children Register on Blossom, including FAQs for each element of the register.

Abbie avatar
Written by Abbie
Updated yesterday

Children Register Overview

The register is a fundamental part of the nursery day and here is how to use it on the Blossom platform. The register page allows you to filter to make it specific, download, view register totals for the current day and even add extra sessions!

How do I access the register?

Blossomboard > Register

Top tip: Under the childrens names on the register you can see their session times.

Register Filters

On the register there are many filters to make your register more specific.

Date: You are able to select the current date, previous & future dates.

Room: You are able to filter by room providing you have your different rooms set up in your settings.

Session: You are able to filter by your specific session. Again, providing you have your sessions set up in your settings.

Register totals

Blossom, have made it simple to see the number of children present at a quick glance! On the current date on a register you will see the total number of children present. For example, if you have 4 children due in and only 2 present the figures will show 2 of 4.

Top tip: This will then reflect onto the Blossomboard attendance widget & change accordingly to your room filters on the register.

Can I use the register on Blossom offline?

Blossom is a Web App therefore it will require a wifi connection to work as expected. However, the good news is that many nurseries use 4g tablets or dongles to ensure they have an internet connection wherever they go!

Downloaded Registers

Although it is great to have registers online, here at Blossom we recognise there are occasions where a paper based register is required. Therefore, you are able to download your registers!

How to download a register?

Blossomboard > Register > Download.

Download Register Filters

Room: You are able to select all or individual rooms

Sessions: You are able to select all or a specific session

Date range: You are able to select any date range you wish

Additional rows: You can choose to tick to have additional rows or not. This would allow you to sign a child in and out throughout the day.

Top tip: If you download a previous register it will include the sign in and sign out times.

Top tip: If you are downloading the register record for a past date that includes multiple sign ins, the extra rows will be included by default.

Adding extra sessions on the register

A nursery manager, deputy & administrator have the permissions to add an extra session through the register.

How do you add an extra session on the register?

Blossomboard > Register > Add extra sessions > Select a child > Select the session > Save.

Add extra session options

Select a child: You are able to select an individual child to add an extra session to.

Select session: You are able to select the specific session.

Add another session: You are able to add more than one session. For example, the child may do an early bird session as well as a full day.

Top tip: When adding an extra session through the register you are able to add on extra sessions for multiple children by simply clicking ‘add another child’.

Register usability

How do you sign a child in?

  • Sign in: Blossomboard > Register > Click time in

This will sign the child in and it will replace the tick with the device time.

How do you sign a child out?

  • Sign out: Blossomboard > Register > Click time out

This will sign the child out and it will replace the ‘x’ with the device time.

How do you edit a time on the register?

  • Editing the time: Blossomboard > Register > Click the edit key > You are now able to edit the time > Click the tick to save.

How to reset the register for a child?

  • Resetting the register for a child: Blossomboard > Register > Click the edit key > Click reset > A pop up appears > Click reset > The register for the specific child will reset.

How to sign a child in and out multiple times during the nursery day?

Blossomboard > Register > Click the arrow > Click the purple ‘add time in’ option > Another time in icon will appear > Click time in & the tick will be replaced with the time.

Top tip: When signing a child in and out you have the option to click comment. This allows you to enter any comments for example ‘dentist appointment’.

How to mark a child as absent?

Blossboard > Register > Click absent > The dropdown will default to absent > Select reason or other > Add comments > Save.

Top tip: You are only able to add a children as absent one day at a time.

How to mark a child as on holiday?

Blossomboard > Register > Absent > Select holiday in the dropdown > Enter end date > Add comment > Save

Top tip: You are able to enter a holiday for a longer period of time but please note the child marked as absent on holiday will show on the register each day for that time period.

Register staff log

Here at Blossom, you are able to track who signs the children in and out. To do this simply follow the steps below!

Blossomboard > Register > Click the arrow > Staff log appears > Click staff log > All details of activity appear.

Top tip: The staff log also displays the child’s date of birth.

Can I see a child’s individual attendance record?

Yes, of course! Please visit their profile and view their specific attendance.

Children > Select child > About > Click attendance in the side tab > Filter by date range or click the ‘x’ and view all attendance.

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