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Security | Authorising Devices

Authorising devices on your Blossom platform, ensuring security of all data and carefully controlling staff access.

Abbie avatar
Written by Abbie
Updated over a month ago

Security and Authorising devices

Blossom recognises the platform needs to be secure! Therefore, all devices must be authorised by a member of the management team by self authorising the device or generating a pin for remote working!

To locate the security page on Blossom, follow the steps below.

More > Settings > Security > Authorised devices

Here, you will see the general security settings, authorised devices, and access logs. Once you click into authorised devices it will state the method that the device has been authorised. For example; self authorised or a pin has been generated.

Access logs

The access logs allow you to track the activity on which staff members are logging into their Blossom. For example, who is logging in on approved devices or unapproved devices. To view your access logs, follow the simple steps below.

More > Settings > Security > Access logs


What is the difference between self authorised & generating a pin?

Self Authorised: Self authorised means a member of management has authorised the device themselves.

Generating a pin: This means a member of the management team is generating a pin to enable a staff member to work remotely. Alternatively, you may ask a member of management to generate a pin if there are no other managers on site.

Top tip: Only the Managers & Deputy Managers are able to self authorise devices & generate pins for other staff members.

How do I self authorise my device?

Type URL into the browser bar > Login page appears > Input credentials > Sign in > Once logged in a pop up will appear in the top right hand corner > Click authorise device > Enter device name > Click approve this device

Top tip: Once you have approved a device as a manager, all members of staff will be able to log in successfully without having to ask for a pin.

How do I generate a pin?

More > Settings > Security > Authorised devices > + Create > Enter device name > Select staff member > Generate pin > A pin will show on the screen & be sent to the staff members email address.

Top tip: This pin expires within 3 hours & will display on your access logs as ‘pin expired’.

Can I regenerate a pin for the same staff member?

Yes, of course, this is made quick and simple.

More > Settings > Security > Authorised devices > Click the edit key on the specific device that says ‘pin expired’ > Scroll to generate a new pin for this device > Click regenerate pin > It will then show a valid pin number.

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