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Staff Worklog

The Blossom Staff Worklog is a timesheet of actually worked hours that are logged from the staff register. Find out how to review it here.

Abbie avatar
Written by Abbie
Updated over 8 months ago

Staff Worklog

Go to More > Staff > Staff Worklog

The staff worklog tracks the hours that staff members have actually worked. The time entries on the same day are grouped into cards:

  • Work times

  • Break times

  • Holidays

  • Sick leave

Work and break times cannot overlap. Staff leaves inputted in the staff leave section or staff profile (holidays and sick leave) display on the worklog and exist in parallel to shifts (not restricting each other). An ongoing label will show entries that are currently still clocked in.

The total hours for the week are displayed under the staff member’s name.

Workday overview

Select a day on the staff worklog to view the workday details.

This is a list of work and break activities for the day with their total hours and location either logged from the register or manually inputted on this workday. Leave for the staff member on the day will display on a banner.

Click on the edit button to edit the activities.

The times and location can be edited for each activity. Activities cannot overlap with each other. As this is a log of actual hours, the selected times can only be in the past. Delete an activity by clicking the 3 dots. To keep track of why you edited the day, type a comment to appear on the change log.

To add an activity for the day, click the add activity button and select the activity type, times and rooms. To update your changes to the workday click Save.

Ongoing shifts can be ended from the workday as well as by clocking out from the register. Press the end button in the end time column. Next select the time and date to end the activity from the pop up.

Shifts across multiple days

A shift can be across multiple days if it is not ended on the same day. On the worklog the card will expand across the days stating the day of the week it started and ended.

The total hours for the shift across multiple days will count towards the start day only. For example, if a Monday shift ended on Tuesday at 10:00, the 10 hours will count towards the total hours for the Monday.

On the workday view, ending a shift on a different day to when it started will have an extra field to select the date as well as the time to end it. This makes it easy to correct the shift end time if someone accidentally forgot to clock out.

A banner will also display on the workday letting you know there are times logged from another day’s entry to help you avoid overlapping times.

Change log

On a particular workday for a staff member click the change log button.

This will display a log of changes made to the activities for the day. If a comment was typed when editing it will appear on the change log.

Export worklog

Use the export button to export the worklog as a CSV. The data of the working hours can be used for payroll purposes.

Select your export parameters:

Send to: Select the manager or nursery administrator should the CSV export be emailed to.


  • Daily: This is the most detailed breakdown showing staff member’s working hours for each day.

  • Weekly: Working hours are aggregated per week. This is useful to check if people have worked their weekly contracted hours.

  • Total: Working hours aggregated for the total selected period.

  • Actuals: A comparison with contracted hours to what was actually worked

Staff member: Select either all staff members or a specific staff member that export data should be for.

Reports dates: depending on your breakdown option selected your export data period can be for months, weeks or days.

Confirm with the export button and the CSV will be sent to the selected staff member by email.

The export will contain the information within the Staff Profile. This includes their payroll number and contract details.

When selecting 'Actuals' you will see a comparison with contracted hours and actual hours highlighting the amount of over time and under time.

Top tip: Export both the worklog and rota using the same breakdown and report date to compare the actual and planned working times.

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