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Staff Attendance

Dive into nursery staff attendance outlined day by day on Blossom - a comparison between actual and planned staff work schedules.

Abbie avatar
Written by Abbie
Updated over 8 months ago

Staff Attendance

Welcome to Staff Attendance. Click Staff > Staff Attendance.

You can search for particular staff members and select a specific week.

Staff attendance example

Let's look at a particular card. You can see actual worked hours pulled from the Staff Register compared to planned work hours from the Staff Rota. Just below these insights is a time variation. This is calculated by;

  • Actual working hours - planned working hours = variation

You can also see if a member of staff has taken any leave.

Please note, there is likely to be a slight variation as staff members are unlikely to work alongside the exact plan, minute for minute. This can be edited by clicking on the card or within the Staff Work Log & Staff Rota sections. Any changes will be logged within the system. This is called the Change Log.

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