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Home Accidents

Nursery staff using Blossom are now able to complete home accident forms with the child's Parent/Guardian.

Abbie avatar
Written by Abbie
Updated over a week ago

Home Accidents

The nursery staff are now able to complete home accident forms with the child's Parent/Guardian.

Simply access the safeguarding section on the Blossom platform.

  • More > Safeguarding > Home accidents > Create.

Once you have created the initial form, you will be required to input the following information to the mandatory fields:

  • Child Name

  • Accident date & time

  • Accident location

  • Accident details

  • Injury & injury description

Home accidents body map

There is a body map whereby you can highlight the area of the injury. If you want to alter the placement you can click the 'x' and the red dot will be removed.

Last of all, you are required to receive three signatures: two staff members & one Parent/Guardian*.

Once all signatures are collected, the home accident form will be shared with the parent app. It can be located by following the steps below.

  • Parent App > Three bar menu > Accidents and Incidents > Home Accidents.

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