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The 'Children' Page

How to add children onto your Blossom platform, with a quick watch guide or step-by-step instructions and FAQs too.

Abbie avatar
Written by Abbie
Updated this week

The 'Children' Page

Watch our 60 second video to add children onto your Blossom platform.

Prefer to read? See our full step-by-step guide below!

On the 'Children' Page, you will find a list of all the children registered at your setting. When you land on this page, it will look like this:

  • Blossomboard > Children

Search for a child

There are multiple filters you can use on the children's page which helps to narrow down your search.

Top Tip: Many nurseries will use the age range filter to check when children are entitled to receive funding!

The children's search bar at the top filters results based on the child’s first name, surname, reference code, or even contact name.

Once searched, click on a child to view their child profile.

Export the children's page

  • Children > click 3 dots > Export > select child or all children > select staff member to send to > select the date range of children's start dates > Export.

Blossom's frequently asked questions relating to the children's page:

A child has left the nursery but they still appear under current children. How do I delete the child?

You will need to archive the child by following these steps:

  • Children > select child > General information (Edit) > scroll to the bottom of the page > Archive child.

I have a new starter child who is not appearing under current children. Where can I find them?

Change the filter at the top from ‘Current Children’ to ‘Archived’ to search for the child. Often, nurseries will archive a child if they have not yet started.

How do I unarchive a child for them to appear under current children?

  • Children > filter for ‘Archived’ children > select child > General information (Edit) > scroll to the bottom of the page > Unarchive child.

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