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Emergency Contacts List

This Blossom report generates a detailed list of all contacts for every child within the nursery. Use it when there's a nursery emergency.

Abbie avatar
Written by Abbie
Updated over 9 months ago

Emergency Contacts List

This report generates a detailed list of all contacts for every child within the nursery. Upon selecting it, you will be prompted to fill in which contacts you wish to export and whom it will be sent to.

More > Reports > Emergency Contact List > Select a group or all children > Select a manager or administrator to send to> Tick the parental responsibility box if you wish > Download.

Emergency contacts export options

You will be asked to select a group or all children, select a manager or administrator to send the export to & select whether you would like to have contacts with parental responsibility or not.

Parental responsibility selection box: If this is ticked, you will only receive the parents who have been selected as having parental responsibility in the children's contact profile.

Once you have clicked download, an email will arrive in the selected manager or administrator's email inbox with the report attached.

TOP TIP: If you cannot view the whole address, or whole contact name your document may require slight formatting, such as stretching the cells & editing the format.

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