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Learn more about Blossom's staff notifications for tasks and nursery-wide updates.

Abbie avatar
Written by Abbie
Updated over a month ago

On Blossom, staff members can now receive notifications. A notification may be a task that needs to be completed or an update.

How can I see my notifications?

  • Blossomboard > Bell icon πŸ”” > see the red badge with the notification number.

What will staff be notified about?

Staff will be notified about likes & comments, new observations/reports to approve (management), new enquiry added (management), extra session request by parent, parent adding/removing/editing a child absence, and child profile updates from the parent app.

πŸ“ŒNot all levels of staff will be notified of all items above. Please reach out to Blossom Support if you have any further queries.

How will a staff member know when they have a new notification?

When there is a new notification, there will be a red dot that appears with a number. When the bell icon is clicked, the red badge will disappear.

What is the maximum amount of notifications that you can receive?

The maximum number of notifications is 20.

How can a staff member tell which notifications are new or old?

Once the notification bell has been clicked on, the new/unread notifications will appear in bold with a blue dot by the side. Notifications will be displayed here for up to 30 days.

How can a staff member manage their notifications?

When clicking on the notification bell icon, you can click on the specific notification and it will redirect you to the related page. You can clear all messages as well as mark all messages as read.

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